The Games You Want to Play…Part XXVIII

Founding Fathers

We enjoyed a game of Founding Fathers last week. At first blush, many of you might think that a game about the Constitutional Convention of the United States in 1787 would not be that much fun to play, but that is not the case. Designed by Christian Leonhard and Jason Matthews and published by Jolly Rogers Games in 2010, this game is for 3-5 players. Your goal is to emerge from the Convention as the “true Father of the Constitution due to your outstanding contributions to the final document.”

Each of the cards is a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and each delegate has a special ability. The board is a representation of the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall) and is divided into three main areas to score points: the Assembly Room (with a Nay side and Yea side), the Committee Room, and the Debate Floor. There are four factions competing to influence the Constitution: Small States, Large States, Federalists, and Anti-Federalists.

You build a hand of delegates and play one (sometimes more) delegates each round. You also want to build influence (via special abilities on cards), which lets you place more votes (Yea or Nay) in the Assembly Room, add more influence in the Committee Room, or debate on behalf of more factions.

The delegates can vote for articles of the Constitution, debate in favor of a faction’s position, or influence articles in the Committee Room. The votes of the delegates in the Assembly Room are done by state. Some of the ways to gain points include being on the winning side of a vote on an article, having the most influence in the Committee Room, or using some of the special abilities on the cards. Also, at the end of the game, you may earn bonus points for the debates you won.

Be sure to vote for fun games like this when you register for the cruise. We still have rooms available, so reserve one now to secure your spot!

See you onboard,

Gaming By Sea


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